(資歷PhD, FTCL, SSPZ, LRSM, LMusTCL, MA, BM)博士級、院士級教授[LTCL ] [ATCL]鋼琴--多才多藝音樂博士、院士專業教授鋼琴、樂理及作曲。Dr Yu 屢獲際出優秀教師指導獎,多年教學經驗豐富,其學生屢獲獎項,每年考獲良好及優異成績的鋼琴/樂理學生眾多 [自備一套 ABRSM 樂理教材和充足的 PAST PAPER,配套充足]

Piano, Theory, Aural Training lessons/Instrumental accompaniment offered by a lady tutor with FRSM, LRSM, ACABRSM diplomas in Piano performance & LMusTCL, AMusTCL diplomas in Music Theory (55005891)
音樂 / 教學進修(大坑/銅鑼灣/天后區)全職持FRSM鋼琴兼LMusTCL樂理女師

教學進修 / 音樂課程 - 管弦樂大提琴導師 - Mr. Leung

女私人鋼琴老師,因應學生性格及能力制定教學方法及挑選教材; 與家長及學生共同制定教學目標。九龍灣 三角琴授課,18年教學經驗,曾於柏斯琴行及其他音樂中心任教多年,獲頒「傑出鋼琴教師」。
M音樂 / 教學進修Miss Chau

10 Carmel students represented Hong Kong to participate in the First Lego League World Festival held at Atlanta, USA between April 13 to 17. They were ranked 14th in the Robotic Performance Category

演藝學院小提琴學士和碩士畢業 表演和教學經驗豐富

A New Era for Ying Wa in the Footsteps of Morrison When we celebrate the 200 th anniversary of the arrival of Rev Morrison in China in 2007, Ying Wa enters a New Era? An era which exemplifies the fou

Our school was first established at a site in Sai Ying Poon through the generosity of the Kadoorie Family in 1890's. The Hong Kong Government assumedthe school management in 1916 and the school later

School Name Hoi Ping Chamber of Commerce Secondary School Sponsoring Body The Hoi Ping Chamber of Commerce of Hong Kong School Category Co-educational Aided Year of Establishment 1973 Address 22 Shek

屋宇設備工程,室內空氣質素,節能環保,空氣及水處理,噪音及震動處理,實驗室服務,工地現場檢測及評估等。 Building Services Engg., IAQ, Energy Savings, Environmental Protection, Air & Water and Noise & Vibration Treatment, Lab & Site Measurement, etc.

School History Ying Wa Girls' School was founded in 1900 by Miss Helen Davies of the former London Missionary Society. It started off as a boarding school for girls and expanded to include a secondar

新九龍婦女會慈雲山幼兒園 慈雲山慈正村正旭褸地下New Kln Women Assn Tsz Wan Shan NurseryG/F, Ching Yuk Hse, Tsz Wan Shan www.newklnwa.edu.hk 23200444幼兒園

匡智張玉瓊晨輝學校 HONG CHI WINIFRED MARY CHEUNG MORNINGHOPE SCHOOL 中文地址 新界葵涌荔景山路220號 英文地址 220 Lai King Hill Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories. 服務類別 輕中度智障兒童學校 電話 27855623 傳真 23700672 電郵地址 [email protected]

路德會啟聾學校 LUTHERAN SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF 中文地址 新界葵涌興盛路89號 英文地址 89 Hing Shing Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories. 服務類別 聽障兒童學校 電話 24898298/24898317/24898308 傳真 24940197 電郵地址 [email protected] 學校網址 http://www

德善補習中心 大角咀新九龍廣場地下31號舖 Tak Sun Pte Kindergarten Shop 31, G/Fl., New Kowloon Plaza, Tai Kok Tsui 23964519

The MISSION & VISION of Valtorta College is to 1. provide our students with an all-round education which includes the aspects of Virtue, Knowledge, Health, Community Spirit, Aesthetics and Spirit

Our school was established in 1984, the third to be affiliated with the Kowloon Tong Church of the Chinese Christian and Missionary Alliance. We are a full-time aided co-educational secondary grammar

Miss Hung 早於1999年已考獲5級樂理,當時樂理考試比現在難度更高。自2016年起,MISS HUNG已協助50多位學生應考5級樂理。多位學生於較難的舊際考試中,考取90分以上(100分滿分)distinction的成績。自從2020年改為網上考試後,更有學生考獲75/75滿分的佳績!
K教學進修 / 音樂課程 - 學琴Kim's Music and Japanese Academy

靈實恩光學校 HAVEN OF HOPE SUNNYSIDE SCHOOL 中文地址 新界將軍澳安達臣道301號 英文地址 301 Anderson Road, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories. 服務類別 嚴重智障兒童學校 電話 27031722 傳真 27036320 電郵地址 [email protected] 學校網址 http://www.sunnys
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